Today is the Grand Finale of Baby Week!
When I wanted to make a diaper cake for my daughter's baby
two years ago, I searched for online tutorials,
and each one I found gave directions to
individually roll each diaper and wrap with a rubber band.
In addition to me not wanting to roll 84+ diapers
with a rubber band and knowing that
the mother of a newborn does not have time to
unwrap all of those diapers, I came up with a different way,
much easier to make and dismantle.
What you will need:
84+ disposable baby diapers (any size)
white curling ribbon
decorating ribbons (1 spool of each type you want to use)
twist ties
double sided tape
baby items to attach to the cake
{suggested items: pacifier, thermometer, rattle, hand mittens,
socks, teethers, booties etc.}
and something for the cake topper {stuffed animal, baby shoes,
small book, etc.}
Note: I have not counted how many diapers
I put in each layer;
you can guess and make them the size you want.
You can use as many diapers as you want
to make the cake bigger
or use different sizes for each layer.
For this cake I used Pampers Newborn Swaddlers 84 pack.
1) Take about 1/2 of the diapers (40-50) for the bottom layer and place on sides and start stacking side by side, making a spiral. Keep them all going in the same direction.
2) When you have them in a nice round, spiral shape, take a piece of white curling ribbon and tie around the center. Tie it as tight as you can (a third hand/finger is helpful here) and cut the ends so they will not show behind the decorative ribbon. If necessary, to make larger, you can add an empty paper towel cardboard roll cut to the diaper height and put in the center.
3) Use about 2/3 of the remaining diapers for the middle layer and 1/3 for the top layer and repeat process of making a spiral circle and tying tight with curling ribbon.
4) Start decorating with your pretty ribbons. I used 1-1/2" wide satin around the middle and then rick rack or smaller ribbon in the center for a double layer effect and added rick rack on the bottom of the layers for a frosted border look. You can do whatever you want. I use a strong double-sided tape {sorry it's out of the package so I can't give you the name of it} to attach the ribbon, but you can attach with Scotch double-sided tape or straight pins if you want. I just like keeping this baby cake kid friendly with no pins.
5) Now you can add the icing on the cake :) with a bunch of little baby gifts. Remove from packaging, if necessary (I put the packaging and directions in a gift bag for the mother-to-be). Most items can be tucked into the diapers with the tags or with a twist tie wrapped around the item. Put things all around the cake so it looks pretty from all sides. I added a lollipop stick and tied the baby mittens to the top with ribbon which looked like little suckers that can be tucked under the side ribbons. You can also tie up onesies with ribbon and use twist ties to attach to the cake and tuck into diapers.

6) Add the cake topper and place on a cake pedestal if desired.
More inspirations and ideas from other cakes . . .
Have fun making your baby diaper cake! These are a hit at the party, next to the mom and baby, of course.
I hope you have enjoyed Baby Week.
~ Julie
Children are a gift from the Lord.