Saturday, February 19, 2011


Good morning, friends,
Hope you're having a wonderful day!

Have you seen the new cover of Country Living magazine?

Can you believe it? Timeless, traditional, red toile is now for the shabby, country home.
I love it! I have always loved toile and have some touch of it in almost every room of our home, so I thought I would share some of my toile with you.

But, first, how about a little history of this gorgeous French fabric?

Toile de Jouy
A Fabric with Roots in the Eighteenth Century

by Patricia Cummings

What is Toile de Jouy?
Toile (pronounced twahl) means "cloth" in French. “Toile de Jouy,” or “toiles de Jouy,” are terms that refer to fabric that was first manufactured at a factory in Jouy-en-Josas, a village located southwest of Paris, near Versailles. Founded in 1760 by German-born Christophe-Philippe Oberkampf, (1738-1815), a textile entrepreneur, the factory site was chosen primarily because of its proximity to the clear running water of the Bièvre River. Oberkampf knew that water is a crucial element in the dyeing process. Only the highest quality goods were used in the production of the factory's printed fabrics made of cotton, one reason for the enterprise’s success.
Taken from:

Toile is fabric made with an elegant printing technique that tells stories in engraving-like detail. The initial toile was a monotone, one-color print,  on a white or cream-colored background. As my youngest daughter describes it "the fabric that tells a story". I love that.

For a more complete history of Toile, you can visit Design Sponge here, who did a detailed post about Toile last March.

Yeah, now we know how to pronounce it (twahl).  "Toile de Jouy" ~ sounds so pretty. Don't you just love French? 

Sharing some toile around our home . . .  

Red toile guest room
pillow shams made from kitchen towels {I like the plaid and toile together, 
and the towels were just the right size for a standard pillow and easy to make}

pillows made from Toile napkins {cloth napkins are really just the right size for pillows}
In the study . . . 

This black background toile fabric works great in Kevin's office, 
and gives it a more masculine feel.
It's on the windows and a bench.
pillows made from decorator fabric sample squares from Jo-Ann's purchased for $1 
{again, just the right size}, and the back side is different  (black plaid on this one)
so you can totally change the look whenever you want

In the kitchen . . . 
on the walls

 dishes  . . .
Waverly blue tablecloth

In the laundry room . . .

In the foyer . . .

Toile wallpaper in the downstairs guest bathroom

 And, of course, more pillows . . . 
in the family room

in the living room 
{blue floral ~ it doesn't tell a story but has the toile look}

For me, toile will never go out of style.
Hope you made it through the long post.
Thanks for visiting. I love and read all of your comments.
And, if you're a follower, thank you. I hope to get to know you better.
Have a great weekend!


  1. Hi Julie, I love this post and your lovely toile inspired home decor. Thanks for sharing. Oh, by the way, I reconfigured some settings on my blog and hopefully you can now follow and even leave comments. Let me know if it works for you.

  2. Hi Julie ~ love this post and I LOVE toile. Thanks for sharing. Have a great weekend ;-)

  3. So love the postings about toile. I love toile too.

  4. AHHHHHH!! I'm crazy about your wonderful toiles. Every single room made me just feel good. I want to do more around here. I'm starting with my kitchen with black toile and moving out from there.

    Your taste is fabulous. The laundry room is my favorite of all. A laundry room!! That pretty!

  5. Umm... I meant "That's pretty".
    I do not speak like a two year old, even when I'm gushing. Really, I don't. LOL

  6. I love toile and have bits and pieces here and there. Yours are lovely
    That is my favorite magazine.

  7. Hello Dear Julie ~ What lovely photos! Your touches of toile around your home are charming and add warmth and beauty to every space it is in! I especially LOVE that black toile in your hubby's office. It's gorgeous fabric! It's amazing that toile can be found in every colour of the rainbow which makes it so versatile for all decor styles!

  8. Hi Julie!

    I love toile it is everywhere in my home!
    You have beautiful toile in all areas of your home.
    It looks lovely!!
    I have lots of the red so glad to hear its in!!

    Pamela :)

  9. Love all things toile! Love all things French! Your things are just wonderful!

  10. Thanks for sharing - I love toile too, yours look fantastic!

  11. Hi there Julie~ What beautiful pictures of the toile around your space!! I love toile! Your guest room is so warm with all the pretty reds, lOVE the plates and you know I love the bathroom!! *wink* since my bathroom is covered in toile too!! Your husbands office is perfect- black with some warm colors- how lovely! Thanks for sharing this gorgeous inspiration at my party!! (Thanks for your comment too - if you want to come back and share this again- feel free!! :)

  12. I love your toile. I find it's history fascinating and think it is great that it is so enduring and endearing. TFS!


  13. Julie - the toile throughout your beautiful home is just amazing! I love that your daughter calls it a fabric that tells a story. That's just perfect. And thanks for the info on toile. It was so interesting! :)

    xoox laurie

  14. Great, informative post and with all the pretty pictures, too! Wonderful!

  15. Great post, Julie! I love toile, too, but can you believe I have NONE in my house right now -- except some transferware dishes. Maybe that's the tablescape I should do this week... :-) Your house looks fantastic! (Sorry I didn't respond to your email. I'm having problems sending emails; still trying to get that resolved. I hope all's well at your house!)

  16. Your house is my toile dream! You MUST link this up with my Do You Toile? Party on March 2nd! Love to have you!


  17. Hi Julie! I love toile too! Thanks for sharing pics of your beautiful toile home!

  18. Toile will never go out of style ... it's a true classic and you do it so well! ... I really like your use of the red flower charges under the blue toile transferware ... really pops and looks so fresh!

    Thanks for linking up to the first Voila! party at FC ... hope you'll be back with much more Frenchness,

  19. I love the plates stacked so prettily! Thank you for sharing all your lovely toile with us.

    Blessings... Polly
    French Cupboard
    Counting Your Blessings

  20. Toile will never go out of style for me either! I love it! Interestingly enough, the lower plate in the rack you show in your kitchen is like one of three I bought for my mom a few years ago. And the Waverly fabric curtain you have in your laundry room - I hung one just like it in my guest bath. ;)

    Thanks for linking to the party. I hope you'll join me this Friday for "Funny Faux Pas Follies," as well. Click on the picture in my sidebar for details.

    Liz @ the Brambleberry Cottage

  21. I love all your toiles but I don't know if my favorite is your hubby's study or the guest bath, and your laundry room on your side bar looks intriguing too! I'll have to explore further! And I'll be your next follower. Linda

  22. I love toile too, everything looks beautiful in your how you made the pillows from napkins...they do make the perfect size don't they?! I have some red toile in my bedroom and I have some blue and white placemats that I use and change out sometimes... I have never gotten tired of toile and I don't think I ever's classic, elegant and so pretty :)

  23. My mother has the Spode blue and white dishes with the toile print and I love it so much. She displays them everywhere and eats on one set!


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