Saturday, July 2, 2011

Lavender . . .

Today I picked some lavender!
I was excited to see it had bloomed 
so I could take some to the 
antique show next week.
I hope it dries enough to use.
There is so much you can do with
dried lavender.

Just add a bunch anywhere.
It's so pretty.

Tie a few sprigs to anything for a special touch.

(a repurposed letter opener ~ now available in my etsy shop)

Fill a teacup with the buds
and enjoy a fresh scent anywhere.

I put some in these vintage salt shakers,
now photo holders . . . just shake for
a scent of fresh lavender
~ now available in my etsy shop.

Did you know?

~ lavender contains antibiotic, antiseptic, disinfectant,
antiviral, anti-inflammatory, and calming properties

~ the scent of lavender increases brain waves 
associated with relaxation

~ it has been helpful in treating insomnia, headaches, 
scrapes and wounds, and other health issues

Thanks for stopping by today.
Have a great week!


  1. Mmmm, I can almost smell it from here! I love dried lavender too but there's nothing quite like a fresh bunch:-)

  2. I bet they smell gorgeous, such a lovely dreamy perfume :)

  3. Lovely pictures. Highly allergic to that pretty plant.

    May her flag fly high & proud forever over this great land ... may God see the changes we need & grant us that blessing. :(

    Happy 4th, my friend,

    TTFN ~

  4. Julie! That is it - I'm finally gonna do it! I now know just the spot in my wildflower garden to purposely plant lavender of my own. Just bought a bouquet yesterday at my favorite florist but I've been thinking about putting some of my own in. You have convinced me. Thanks for posting and inspiring today!
    Miss Kathy

  5. I have tried to grow lavender several times with no luck. I guess it doesn't like this Virginia weather. Your photos are lovely.

  6. Lavender is one of my very favorite fragrances. Lovely post!

  7. I love the look of lavender! Purple is my favorite!

  8. Lavender is my favorite fragrance. Beautiful photos!!!

  9. I absolutely love lavender. I just picked some of my own today. Good luck with the show.

    Blessings to you, my friend.

  10. Lavender can almost be called an all-purpose herb I should think. I will rub my hands all over the plants and then along my arms and up and down the legs to keep mosquitoes away. Oh yes, and pat my face too. :-)
    Lovely post on my favourite plant.

  11. Hi Julie,
    Oh, I do love the scent of lavender and I love all the uses that one can use it for. I don't grow it here but I do have some that a friend sent me. What a lovely idea to use it in a pretty teacup! Thank you for sharing your post with Tea Time. It is just lovely to have you and enjoy this wonderful national hoiday; July 4th!


  12. What a lovely post! I enjoyed it very much. I like lavender and have had some luck, not great luck but some, in growing it.
    Blessings, Beth

  13. Hi Julie,
    What a lovely and informative post using Lavender which I so love and use.
    Darling shaker with lavender and note holder. I am going to place some lavender in a pretty come like you suggest.
    Thank you for a pretty Tea Time Tuesday.
    Blessings, Celestina Marie

  14. We use lavender at the spa where I the form of pure oil. You can put it on hot towels or pillow cases or sheets and add to lotions. It also blends will with other herbs. If you have a stressful day........take 3 or 4 deep breaths of lavender!<3

  15. I never knew all the things you could do with lavender. I've always liked how pretty it is when it's growing. I think I'll plant some and use it to add some color and fragrance to gifts as you've suggested. What a great idea!

  16. I love the look and scent of lavender. I am new to your blog. I found you through the blog 'A little of this and that' I am now a follower. Please feel free to check out my blog too. I am having a giveaway which is open until the 14 July.

    Sue x

  17. Lavender is so hard to grow out here in AZ, yours looks so lush!
    -Jessica & Holly

  18. LOVELY Lavender! I have loved it since I was a little girl. I am trying to grow some this year. I hope it turns out better than my struggle to grow SUNFLOWERS this year....seriously...why do all the bugs eat my sunflowers? Go find something else to eat! LOL
