Tuesday, June 28, 2011

White Peonies . . . . . and a Giveaway Winner!

June is so beautiful
in the Pacific Northwest.
Everything is green and blooming.

Here are some more peonies . . . 
just picked today.

whites and soft pinks

and . . . 
announcing the winner of
A Vintage Rose Giveaway

What a perfect prize for a rose cottage.
Congrats, Laurie!

Thank you to all who entered!
I've enjoyed reading all of your comments,
and if I haven't met you yet, you're on my list.
You and your comments are appreciated!
Have a wonderful week!


  1. Congrats to the winner! & those peonies are gorgeous! xoox, tracie

  2. Oh my those peonies! Beautiful!
    Congrats to Laurie.

  3. Your peonies are superb, such delicate shades :)

  4. YAY for Laurie! Lucky gal!
    Love these peonies, Julie!! Simply amazing! The third photo is now my desktop background! Gorgeous!! What a lovely sight to see each time I go by my computer! Peonies and hydrangeas are my all time faves! Tried growing hydrangeas...not so easy down here, but haven't tried peonies. I don't see them around anywhere, so I'm thinking they don't do so well here either...sigh...
    Thanks for sharing yours with us!!

    Love n hugs to you!

  5. Stunning shots!Love these peonie..gorgeous! Beautiful space you got here! Thanks for sharing.
    Hope to see you on my blog:)

  6. Julie, I love your peonies, so pretty in white and pink. I don't have a peony bush , but really want one now. Very inspiring post.

  7. Congrats to Laurie, Julie! I'm just drooling all over your awesome peonies! They are so beautiful - and they make me miss mine which are done for the season. Their fragrance is amazing, isn't it? Enjoy your day, sweetie!

    xoxo laurie

  8. Loving all your peonies. Mine are all done blooming!
    Congrat's to the winner:)
    Thank you for having this giveaway..that I would have loved too!

  9. Thanks for sharing photos of your beautiful peonies (mine bloomed early-mid May) so I vicarious enjoyed yours. I have a milk glass vase just like yours.

  10. Hi dear! Congratulations to the very lucky winner!And to you by the marvelous candy! Love flowers and peonies make me dream! God bless, dear! :D

  11. The peonies are gorgeous! My Mom had Peonie bushes in NY when we were growing up.
    Have a great week!

  12. Your peonies are lovely, I just took pictures of the peonies I brought inside before the rain gets to them. Congratulations to Laurie for winning your wonderful giveaway.

  13. Such a wonderful blog :)) I love your work, thank you for being an inspiration to all of us :)

    Greetings from Croatia!

