Saturday, November 12, 2011

Enjoying fall . . .

The leaves are falling . . . 

These are columnar Armstrong Maple trees,
and they line each side of our property {57 trees planted by The Captain}

The Pacific Northwest is so pretty in fall.
Hope you're enjoying your fall where you are.
Thanks for visiting.
~ Julie


  1. The fall colours are just lovely. The trees here look just the same. I can almost smell the leaves ~ ahhh the smell of fall

  2. Hey my friend!!! How are you? I haven't heard from you in a long time. I miss our chats.

    I do hope you are doing well.

    Blessings and happy fall. Amy

  3. I love these trees! Your property is so pretty. Thanks for sharing the lovely photos with us!

  4. Your pictures are beautiful, such a variety of colors, perfect fall.

  5. Wow.....what a beautiful view you have, Julie! We had a wonderful autumn here in MI, too. The colors were so pretty, and October was really nice weather-wise.'s now over. We had 3" of snow two days ago! Ugh!!! Waaaay too early for that. I still have leaf blowing to do!!!! lol!

    xoxo laurie

  6. Autumn in all her glory! It has been beautiful here as well. Northern lower Michigan has received only one brief dusting of snow. I posted a photo of the cherry orchards in golden splendor as discovered yesterday when out for a sunny ride. Enjoy!

  7. Aren't those leaves just the most magnificent colour? Beautiful photographs.

  8. That's just magnificent! It makes me want to go crunch in the leaves.

  9. Love your maples, I am going to plant a few as screen. Your pictures have me sold on it now!

  10. How far apart are these trees planted?

    1. Craig, thanks for your comment. They are 15' apart.
