Sunday, June 26, 2011

Our Cottage Garden

Happy summer everyone!

Here are some pics of our cottage gardens.

a stone path with an arbor leading to the back yard

We just put out the concrete (clay) ball this week.
It is sitting on two concrete bench supports 
(which we got for free at a sale).

a pea gravel path bordered with old bricks

a new mossy bird bath added this year

I love architectural elements in the garden.
We have some flower pots placed throughout the garden
and other white, rusty metal and clay pieces,

. . . . . a gravel path bordered with old bricks and
a meandering gravel path on the other side of the gardens.

. . . . . a white wood bench and a concrete bench
where you can sit and enjoy the flowers or watch
a game of croquet in the back yard.

We love our gazebo which we had built by a friend.
It is furnished with white wicker furniture and floral cushions.
It's perfect for morning coffee or just relaxing.
Our youngest daughter shared her wedding vows here.

The first piece we added (even before flowers) was
the concrete sundial, which I gave to The Captain for a
birthday present about 15 years ago.

Thanks so much for walking through our gardens today!
I will keep adding garden posts over the summer
as well as highlighting some of our flowers
and sharing what we did to create our cottage garden.

I appreciate you taking the time to visit
and follow along.
Thank you for all of your sweet comments!
I'm still making my rounds visiting your 
wonderful blogs.

~ Julie


  1. Thanks for the tour of your beautiful gardens Julie! I love the look of a cottage garden and have been working on that look for my own for the past few years. I love not only the plants but the chippy, worn looking pieces you've added to the gardens as well. Can't wait to see more as summer progresses.


  2. Your garden is beautiful. You must spend hours grooming it.

  3. Your beautiful cottage garden just looks like a picture postcard! Love the arbour and all your other architectural elements. It's like you have created a different little room in every section. The foxgloves and roses are to die for! {sigh} ;)Sharyne

  4. Your garden is MAGNIFICENT!



  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I love your garden! I especially love the arbor with the roses over the top. And the mossy bird bath is adorable.
    Thank you for your sweet comments on my blog today!


  7. Julie, everything is just beautiful. I would love to take a real walk around someday and soak it all in and have good conversation at the same time.

  8. This is just like the beautiful cottage garden that lives in my head. I love it.

  9. I am coming to live in your backyard! It is so pretty.

  10. The beauty you have created is a joy forever, even if only in memory ultimately. It is a graceful spot which hearkens back to an older time. I can feel the breezes blowing while my eyes take in each of the lovely views you've posted. Thank you for sharing the bliss you must be feeling each time you take a walk outside.

  11. Simply beautiful. Love the foxglove - the color is gorgeous. And your eye for detail is perfect!

    Enjoy your week!

  12. Your cottage garden is just lovely, particularly like the beautiful foxgloves, thanks for sharing :)

  13. What a beautiful garden such pretty flowers I am so envious

  14. Oh those Foxglove are beautiful! You have such a lovely garden. Have a great day.

  15. What a gorgeous garden! The arbor and architectural details are wonderful. Beautiful flowers.

  16. Your garden is the perfect blend of soft and hard scape, greenery and color, plants and embellishments. So serene and lush.

  17. Wow, your garden is amazing! I love the stone path, your arbor, and all of your gorgeous flowers. Especially the foxglove! I don't grown any myself, but I have been enjoying seeing it grow wild all over the place out here! You have created quite the sanctuary!!!

  18. I am in LOVELOVELOVE with all of your treasures
    What a beautiful post and amazing garden
    Thank You so much for linking with Treasure Chest Friday

  19. Your gardens are beautiful!! Very inspiring :)

  20. I enjoyed the tour of your gardens and the romantic aspect of the roses growing over the arbour.

  21. Your cottage gardens are just beautiful. It really did feel like a nice stroll especially with all the resting points and beautiful architectural elements.

  22. Your gardens are lovely! I love all of the architectural elements too.

  23. What a beautiful garden!
    You must have a team of helpers!

  24. I enjoyed the tour of your garden, I too love the art pieces spread throughout the garden , you have a nice collection. We use a lot of our own iron yard art creations, but I especially like the older concrete pieces. Thank you for sharing, I have discovered many new wonderful blogs today by joining "Flora Thursdays". I will be back ~ Jacque

  25. I also love wooden architectural elements in the gardens, although mine are more rustic in nature. Your gardens are very lovely and I enjoyed visiting them via your post! L

  26. I love that you have a path that curves, leading you throughout the garden. Your wooden architectural pieces accent the garden beautifully.

  27. Hi Julie,

    I so enjoyed walking through the gardens with you. Beautiful photos of lovely vignettes. :)

  28. I love the bird bath. I've been wanting to put one in my rock garden. Love your photos.

  29. Hello, Julie! I am visiting from Cottage Flora Thursday. Your gardens are AH-mazing! Your blog is lovely, too. I am your newest follower!

    ~Ricki Jill

  30. gorgeous! I'm going to tell my dh about the roses on the arbor. He built a similar pergola across our deck. We have a vine growing on top but I really like your roses!

  31. Julie! Thank you so much for linking up to Cottage Flora Thursday's at Fishtail Cottage! So many fantastic pieces that just make your gardens scream "cottage" - so much to love & adore here! xoxo, tracie

  32. Am lovin the pea gravel pathway and the old brick. I've got a thing for old brick.

  33. Lovely naturalizing of perennials. Such an enjoyable post! And inspiring!!
