Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Pretty Pink Peonies

I'm so thankful our peonies are blooming.
Most of these blooms are from one bush.
Love it! And they are so fragrant.
When I put this bouquet together I added some
seed pods from one of our wildflowers.

 The last pic is from our peony tree.
The blooms measure about 11" across.

Hope you're enjoying your garden.

Have you checked out this big blog party this week?

Go check out all of the great ideas for summer 
or post up one of your links.
I'll be linking up a few  favorite posts from last summer
and a new post this week sharing more details 
of our cottage gardens.

Enjoy your summer!


  1. Hey Julie! My peonies are all done for the season, so I'll just sit here and enjoy yours! :) I have a couple tree peonies, too. Aren't they just humungous?? And there's nothing like their fragrance.....Mmmmmmm!

    xoxo laurie

  2. My peonys are just blooming also. I love them so much

  3. My absolute favorite!! Mine are just starting to bloom, can't wait to cut them!! A couple of warm days should do it! This year my boys gave me a white one for mother's day, it has a single bloom! I love how you spelt out "fleurs" with the scrabble tiles.

  4. My peonies just stopped blooming as well so it's nice to see these! Beautiful color.

  5. You lucky girl, I want to plant some!!!
    thanks for linking!

  6. Gorgeous blooms! I just did a post on white peonies! Must be that time of year! Over the weekend all my peonies exploded & are so showy. I've heard a few people comment that their peonies had a short life this year - wonder if that will be the case here too? Hope you link up to Thursdays Garden Party???? xoxo tracie

  7. Beautiful pink peonies. I'd like to get a red one, they are so beautiful.
    Enjoy your blooms! Lisa ;-)

  8. What gorgeous peonies, so pretty :)

  9. They are gorgeous! Peonies are my mother's favorite flower. They don't grow here, but where she grew up they were plentiful. If I recall correctly, they used peonies from both her own and neighbor's gardens to decorate for her wedding.

    Love yours.

  10. hi juli
    oh they are gorgeous!!!! your peonias have a beautiful colour,i love it,too!!!!!!
    have a nice day,
    love regina

  11. Beautiful shots! Your peonias are so gorgeous! This is my favorite too:)
    Hope to see you on my blog:)

  12. Your peonies are so pretty, I've never even tried to grow any!! But I love them!!!

  13. Beautiful, I got only three flowers from peoni.

  14. Oh, my dear, what beaauutifuulll peonies!!! Looove peonies!!! You're so and so lucky! Having a peonies' tree!!! Oh, I can't imagine how is having this at my garden... Amazing, dear! God bless! :D

  15. Thanks so much for linking up to Cottage Flora Thursday's! Must be the week for peonies!!!! xoxo, tracie

  16. How wonderful it must be to have such a pretty bloom in your yard! The color is wonderful too!

  17. You are showing my favorite flower. These are beautiful!

  18. Such amazing blossoms you have! And you've showcased them so well. I wish our bushes provided that many blooms, but they're still young.

  19. Peonies are my favorite flowers. It must be wonderful to have such pretty blooms in the yard!

    Hope you are having a great summer.

  20. Oh my sweetie, your peonies are just stunning! I also love your vignette with all of the whites! Just darling!

  21. LOVE peonies!!! I think I need a white one!

  22. Your garden must be positively gorgeous. These have become my favourite flower even though I have never seen one in the flesh. Thankyou for sharing because I love looking at these oh so pretty flowers.

  23. Love, love, love peonies!! Yours are beautiful! Happy PS!

  24. Julie, I LOVE peonies, but mine have come and gone for the season. I'm so glad I stopped by tonight for the special treat of seeing yours!

    Big announcement at My Place to Yours today... I hope you'll help me spread the word! http://myplacetoyours.blogspot.com/2011/06/vintage-linen-dish-auction-save-date.html

  25. I'd enjoy my garden much more if I could grow beautiful tree Peonies like yours! Alas, it is too hot and dry in south Texas to grow my favorite flower.. but I do sometimes find them in May and June at a local florist... like this year... which I posted about last week... but it would be much grander if I could just go into my garden and pluck my own! Lucky you! thanks for sharing the beauty!

  26. Hi Julie......your peonies are really pretty.....I've been using them (all of the beautiful pink and white variations) in alot of my floral designs this last month!! I will be doing a wedding using peonies and stalk!
    And.....now this week....on to some arrangements using dalias :)
